Hiking from village to village: The SchwarzWeiss Hiking Trail is currently the only long-distance hiking trail in the sun-drenched south of South Tyrol. “Strolling instead of standing” and “Lingering instead of rushing” are the principles upon which this trail is based. When traversing this trail, you can appreciate the stark contrasts which dominate South Tyrol and which are especially visible in the Unterland, along the Truden Faultline: linguistic boundaries, historical borders, interesting rock formations, magnicent mountains and luscious valleys, alpine and mediterranean climate zones, as well as Schwarz (“black”) and Weiss (“white”). You can undertake these segments of the Long-Distance Hiking Trail both in the directionof the Weisshorn (the “White” route) and towards the Schwarzhorn
(the “Black” route). You are also free to combine various segments to form multi-day tours – but even “only” a single-day tour can provide an unforgettable experience! Create your own tour and grab your walking stick!