Auer / Ora, Montan / Montagna, Neumarkt / Egna and Salorno / Salurn

Holiday region Castelfeder Bolzano / Bozen and environs

The holiday villages Auer / Ora, Montan / Montagna, Neumarkt / Egna and Salorno / Salurn are situated south of Bolzano / Bozen, framed by orchards and vineyards. Beautiful wines flourish here, especially Pinot Noir, and crispy apples. Kalterer See / Lago di Caldaro is not far and the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage are close enough to touch. Culinary delights, relaxation or sporting activity: here in the holiday region Bolzano and environs everyone gets the best out of their holiday.

Castelfeder hill, that gave the region its name, is at the heart of the holiday region. It arises between the villages and connects them. It is as fascinating as it is unique. Old wall footings point to fortifications dating back to Late Antiquity and to a pre-historic settlement.


Inauguration of the Schwarz-Weiss Path
Lagrein mile | 2024
Sound of Wine in Salorno/Salurn
Spring in Auer/Ora
Neumarkt/Egna in springtime
Notte romantica at Egna
Visit Castelfeder 5 months ago

Der Frühling steht in den Startlöchern 🌺... und wir auch! Ab der nächsten Woche beginnt die 𝗪𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗞𝘂𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗸 𝗶𝗺 𝗙𝗿ü𝗵𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 entlang der gesamten Südtiroler Weinstraße ❣️ Bleibt gespannt!
La primavera è ai blocchi di partenza 🌺... e anche noi! Dalla prossima settimana inizia la 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮 𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗶𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗼 lungo tutta la Strada del Vino dell'Alto Adige ❣️ Rimanete sintonizzati!

Südtiroler Weinstraße
Südtirol Alto Adige South Tyrol
Montan - Montagna
Neumarkt Egna
Salurn Salorno Cittaslow

Visit Castelfeder 5 months ago

Na, kommen bei euch auch schon Frühlingsgefühle hoch? 🌸
Die ersten milden Temperaturen nach einem langen Winter sind bereits spürbar und hie und da machen sich schon die ersten Blüten bemerkbar. Wie wäre es dann also mit einer kleinen Auszeit? Der Frühling in Südtirols Süden erwartet euch 🌞🌿


La primavera sta pian pianino per arrivare! 🌸
Le temperature calde, il sole che splende, i primi fiori che spuntano - una vera gioia. Dopo un inverno lungo ne avevamo proprio bisogno! Che ne dite quindi di una piccola pausa? La primavera vi aspetta nel sud dell'Alto Adige 🌞🌿

Foto: Thomas Monsorno & Luca Dal Gesso
Montan - Montagna Neumarkt Egna Südtiroler Weinstraße Südtirol Alto Adige South Tyrol

visit.castelfeder 5 months ago fluid-image

Are you already feeling the first spring vibes? 🌸
The mild temperatures after a long winter are slowly emerging, the sun keeps shining and the first flowers are already blooming. How about taking a little break and enjoy this beautiful spring in the south of South Tyrol? 🌞🌿

#visitcastelfeder #visitsouthtyrol #suedtirol #southtyrol #altoadige #spring #primavera #frühling #mountains #nature #landscape #naturelovers #sunshine #springvibes
Photos: Thomas Monsorno & Luca Dal Gesso

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Castelfeder sulla Strada del Vino Soc. Coop. a r. l.
Piazza Principale 5
39040 Auer / Ora Südtirol/Alto Adige - Italy