The Old Post Office

Kirchplatz 6/Piazza della Chiesa 6
39040 Montan/Montagna
General description

The "gemain Riglhaus" once stood on this site. In 1574 it is mentioned as a schoolhouse as well as a teacher's and organist's residence, and in 1629 as the "gemain Mesenhaus". In 1788, after the introduction of compulsory schooling, the schoolroom was extended here. In 1820, this house is listed as a parish residence, and from 1829 to 1845 it is again listed as a schoolhouse. In 1880 it became the parish and sacristan's house, and in the 20th century the post office was housed here. After the fascist takeover, the first floor became the meeting place of the "Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro". On the lower floor, the last of Montan's cobblers had his workshop for a long time, later there was the office of the tourist association, then a butcher's shop. Since the end of the 1980s, the headquarters of the "Montaner Schützenkompanie" have been located here. The panelled Gothic parlour on the first floor and the stucco ceiling on the second floor are particularly valuable.

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